7500 Eldridge Pkwy.
Houston, TX 77083
Service Times
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Wednesday 7:00 PM
(281) 649-6800
7500 Eldridge Pkwy.
Houston, TX 77083
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Wednesday 7:00 PM
(281) 649-6800
5314 Bingle Rd.
Houston, TX 77092
Sunday 10:00 AM
Wednesday 7:00 PM
(281) 649-6800
5725 Queenston Blvd.
Houston, TX 77084
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Tuesday 7:00 PM
Wednesday 12:00 PM
(281) 649-6800
In the beginning, there was no burning bush. There was no pillar of fire, there was no star shining in the east. Nothing. There was only one man with a pull on his heart; an unction, an anointing on his life.
A solitary figure checked into the Brookhollow Marriot Hotel, Houston, TX, with a heavy heart and unanswered questions. He was not seeking the comfort of a bed, but the will of God. The troubled young man lay prostrate on the floor before his Creator seeking His direction. He got up with a vision from God: “Go...plant”.
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imaginewhat God has prepared for those who love him.” I Corinthians 2:9 (NLT)
"On a brisk November evening in 1987, thirty-two individuals gathered to discuss an idea and witness the birth of a vision. The setting was the warm and welcoming home of Ralph and Sheretta West. The agenda? To examine the probability, consider the practicality, and ultimately stretch their faith in God and His chosen vessel. That night, a bond of faith and trust was formed among those present, committing to the divine vision shared by Pastor West.
On November 6, 1987, Ralph Douglas West and 32 other visionaries gathered at his residence on Joy Street in Northeast Houston to establish Brookhollow Baptist Church. West was more than a founder - he was the driving force behind the formation of the church. The spark ignited that evening has since touched countless lives, making it a monumental journey that continues to inspire."
On the evening of November 8, 1987, just two days after that historic gathering in Pastor West's home, the Brookhollow Marriott Hotel's halls echoed with the harmonies of worship as the newly-formed congregation attended their first worship service. Pastor West delivered his inaugural sermon, "The Cost of Discipleship," from Luke 14:25-33. The room was filled with 65 adults and 50 children, all united in praise. This hotel became their sanctuary for the next year, where every service saw approximately 250 devoted attendees, bearing testament to God's divine plan for the church's rapid growth and the magnetic pull of Pastor West's leadership.
In November of 1988, Brookhollow Baptist Church embarked on a significant new chapter as it acquired the former premises of the Houston Business Journal located at 5314 Bingle Road. This move marked a monumental step toward establishing the church's identity and presence in the community. However, as the members evangelized and God's Word resonated with more souls, the church's walls could barely contain the ever-swelling congregation. By March 1989, it became evident that a single service wouldn't suffice, leading to the addition of a second service. But even this wasn't enough, and the demand grew exponentially, prompting the initiation of a third service in 1992. Through these years, the church remained a beacon of hope and faith, drawing in an average of 1,500 attendees every Sunday. The church's growth was not just in numbers but in the strength and spirit of its community.
In March of 1994, with hearts full of faith and a vision for the future, the Church family came together for a profound initiative. Through unified and fervent prayers, they launched their inaugural capital stewardship campaign, poignantly named "Together We Build." This campaign wasn't just a fundraising effort but a testament to their collective belief in a greater purpose and a brighter future for their congregation and community. Their dedication and commitment bore fruit when they secured 40 acres at 5725 Queenston Boulevard, marking the birthplace of their expansive Northwest campus. This significant acquisition wasn't merely about the land but about laying the foundation for generations to come, building a sanctuary where faith would flourish and lives would be transformed.
On April 15, 1995, the congregation gathered for the first time on their newly acquired land, resonating with praises and worship. Attendees from all three worship services were united under a vast tent as a testament to the power of faith, perseverance, and collective vision. It was Resurrection Sunday, a momentous day, and the air was thick with anticipation and gratitude as they came together to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. This day marked a new chapter in their spiritual journey on this sacred land.
On December 10, 1995, Brookhollow Baptist Church experienced a momentous occasion as they successfully paid off the debt for their Bingle Campus. The Mortgage Burning Service was an emotional and powerful moment for the congregation and the community as it symbolized their freedom from debt and their unity in achieving this goal. As the mortgage papers were consumed by the flames, they shouted their gratitude to God for his provision and the unwavering faith of their community. Truly, to God be the glory!
On a transformative day, May 18, 1997, the doors of a sanctuary bearing a profound name–The Church Without Walls–swung open to embrace believers and seekers alike. This wasn't just a name but a profound declaration and a vision. Inspired by a sermon series passionately delivered by Pastor West, the name symbolizes a church that is not restricted by geographical location or sociological background but one that is limitless in God's possibilities. More than that, it stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to a church where doors are open wide, welcoming every soul, irrespective of their journey or story.
"We walk by faith, not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7
With hearts filled with gratitude and anticipation, the Church embarked on its second capital stewardship campaign titled, “God is Doing It Again!” On Palm Sunday, March 28, 1999, the congregation rallied together to retire the debt on the Northwest facility. They also had an even grander vision in mind, a sprawling 3,800-seat cathedral, a serene chapel, a vibrant Student Life Center, and a welcoming bistro. With unwavering faith and collective determination, they set out on this ambitious journey, trusting in the divine plan and the belief that with God, all things are possible.
Demonstrating a profound commitment to academic excellence, The Ralph Douglas West Golf Classic was inaugurated as an annual event. With a noble vision in mind, it was designed to raise scholarship funds, providing a crucial lifeline to college students eager to advance their education. Through this event, the church emphasized the importance of education and actively facilitated the dreams and aspirations of countless young minds, reaffirming their belief in the transformative power of knowledge.
The Johnelle West Scholarship Fund stands as a shining testament to the legacy of "Mother West." Renowned as a community activist and a fervent advocate for educational excellence, her unwavering dedication was to uplift and enrich the lives of countless individuals. Through this scholarship fund, her passion and commitment continue to reverberate, offering deserving students the invaluable gift of education and the promise of a brighter future.
Originating at the Queenston Campus, the Brookhollow Christian Academy was established with a profound vision: to nurture young minds from kindergarten through third grade. Grounded in a Christian-based curriculum, the academy strives to cultivate academic prowess and virtues integral to wholesome development. It emphasizes the pillars of Christian leadership, unwavering academic excellence, self-discipline, accountability for one's actions, and an unyielding sense of personal integrity. At the heart of this institution lies the mission to mold young learners into responsible and enlightened leaders of tomorrow, rooted in faith and values.
On Christmas Day in 2002, a magnificent third church edifice was dedicated to God for His purpose and glory at 7500 Eldridge Parkway. Spanning 55,000 square feet and nestled on 30 acres of land, the Eldridge Campus was envisioned as a house of worship and a testament to God's ever-expanding grace. Located strategically to cater to the growth and membership demographics of Southwest Houston, this campus stands as a beacon, attracting believers and amplifying the church's mission to serve and inspire.
Anchored in the unwavering belief that God will supply "all of our needs" and bolstered by the unwavering generosity of its members, the church embarked on its third capital stewardship campaign aptly named "God's Challenge, Our Choice." This ambitious endeavor aimed at continuing improvements on Eldridge Campus and clearing a 15-year debt associated with the Queenston Campus, and through divine providence and the congregation's commitment, this goal was realized in just six years. Truly, to God be the Glory!
As a result of heartfelt pledges and generous contributions, God's hand guided them to eliminate the debts of both the Southwest and Northwest campuses by December 2003. An impressive feat, retiring a 15-year financial burden in merely six years, stands as a testament to their faith and commitment. All glory and honor to God!
The Sons of Issachar Conference was meticulously curated to empower pastors, pastoral teams, church administrators, worship enthusiasts, tech-savvy personnel, and other dedicated individuals in their pursuit to touch the lives of countless souls unfamiliar with Christ's salvation. Emphasizing the need to remain aware and responsive to the dominant cultural, political, and economic narratives of the times, each conference aims to harness this understanding to make a more profound spiritual impact.
The impactful Ralph Douglas West Ministries has made significant strides in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, consistently reaching an impressive weekly viewership of over 19,000 households within local communities. On a national scale, their influence is even more pronounced, touching over 21.5 million households through a combination of local TV broadcasts, cable networks, digital platforms, and widespread social media engagement.
Through collaborative efforts with fellow ministries and mission organizations, the church embarked on international mission trips spanning from Haiti to Africa and all the way to Jerusalem. These missions were more than just trips; they provided opportunities for evangelism and hands-on assistance in meeting the crucial needs of the people in impoverished and disastrous lands. By addressing the dire needs of individuals in regions plagued by poverty and calamity, the church showcased its commitment to global outreach and the betterment of humanity.
"Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain" I Chronicles 4:10
On Resurrection Sunday, April 12, 2009, the Bingle Campus once again opened its welcoming doors for worship. Each Sunday, the church sanctuary echoed with the praises and prayers of an enthusiastic congregation, averaging over 300 faithful members in attendance.
By 2010, The Church Without Walls proudly embraced the mantra "one church in three locations," symbolizing the unity of its congregation spread across three distinct areas of the city. Together, these locations spanned an impressive 167,000 square feet, housed the spiritual journey of over 16,000 families, and resonated with the collective worship of an average of 9,000 attendees every week.
In 2011, the church embarked on its fourth campaign titled "Leaping Beyond Our Walls." This initiative was conceptualized to lay the foundation for new facilities, including a modern worship center, a serene chapel, dedicated areas for both children and youth, a welcoming bistro, and bookstore. These additions were crucial to cater to the growing membership of the Queenston Campus, marking another milestone in the church's growth journey.
The church was propelled by a vision to extend its mission, to truly "LEAP beyond our walls" and touch the hearts of the unsaved, the wounded, and the oppressed. This call to action beckoned every member to embrace a four-fold commitment. Firstly, to Lead, not just within the sanctuary but in the broader realms of community, schools, marketplace, and governance. Secondly, to Evangelize, sharing the life-altering Good News of Jesus Christ. Thirdly, to Assimilate, utilizing meticulous planning and execution to integrate this vision. And finally, to Proclaim — to fervently preach the truth, ensuring it's mirrored not only in words but resonates through tangible actions.
After years of persistent effort and prayers to "enlarge its territory," the Lord brought Pastor West's vision for the Queenston Campus to life. A significant step towards this dream was taken in July 2011 with "The Big Dig" ceremony, which marked the beginning of the construction of not just a cathedral but also a chapel, a vibrant student life center, a bistro, and a bookstore. This development heralded a new era of spiritual growth and community engagement.
On September 13, 2014, an important chapter began with The Grand Entry. The worshippers experienced a sense of the divine Shekinah Glory as they entered the 150,000-square-foot facility. Tears of joy flowed, and triumphant cheers filled the air as Pastor West and his family cut the ribbon, opening the doors to the cathedral, new student life center, bookstore, bistro, and chapel. The worship experience was profoundly moving, as the sound of trumpets echoed through the space and touched worshippers of all ages. Soli Deo Gloria!
In August 2017, the devastating Hurricane Harvey hit the city of Houston hard, causing damage to our Bingle and Eldridge locations. As a result, all worshippers had to attend our Queenston location instead. However, we didn't let this disaster defeat us - we partnered with the city of Houston to form a distribution center at our Multi-Purpose Gym, where our congregants and the community could obtain much-needed household items and toiletries. Churches from all across the country sent and brought truckloads of water, food, and other essential items to support those affected by the hurricane.
In 2017, The Church Without Walls commemorated a significant milestone, marking its 30th anniversary on Thanksgiving Day. This three-decade journey of faith and service, with Pastor Ralph Douglas West at the helm, bore witness to the Church's dedication, growth, and resilience. The congregation, united in purpose and spirit, celebrated their shared achievements and looked ahead to an inspiring future under Pastor West's guiding leadership.
In March 2020, the world was shaken by an unprecedented global pandemic. Amidst these challenging times, our congregation showcased remarkable resilience and adaptability. Turning to the digital realm, we continued our worship sessions, Bible studies, and various ministry programs online. This approach kept our community connected and allowed us to reach a wider audience. By March 2022, after successfully conducting a series of soft openings and ensuring all safety protocols, we joyfully reopened all three church locations. It was a time of renewed energy and commitment, with Rev. Ralph West II taking the reins as the Campus Minister for our Eldridge Campus and Rev. Ralphael West leading the Bingle Campus. Our faith remained unshaken through these times of uncertainty, and our community emerged stronger than ever.