

7500 Eldridge Pkwy.
Houston, TX 77083

Service Times

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Wednesday 7:00 PM


(281) 649-6800


Eldridge Info



5314 Bingle Rd.
Houston, TX 77092

Service Times

Sunday 10:00 AM

Wednesday 7:00 PM


(281) 649-6800


Bingle Info



5725 Queenston Blvd.
Houston, TX 77084

Service Times

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 10:00 AM

Tuesday 7:00 PM

Wednesday 12:00 PM


(281) 649-6800


Queenston Info

Our Staff

Rev. Ralpheal West

Campus Minister (Bingle)

Office: 281.649.1974

Ralpheal D. West, a dynamic and knowledgeable minister, possesses a powerful gift for preaching the gospel, rooted in his strong heritage. Born and raised in Houston, TX, he is the son of accomplished Pastor Dr. Ralph Douglas West and a preacher at The Church Without Walls. Reverend West's preaching style is unique and refreshing, aiming to connect with all listeners. He publicly embraced his call for preaching in May 2019 and began his preaching journey on January 26, 2020. With a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociological Studies from Georgetown College and a Masters of Theological Studies degree from Truett Seminary at Baylor University, he has excelled in his studies and continues to grow his passion for the gospel.
Currently serving alongside his father and older brother at The Church Without Walls, Reverend West delivers moving sermons, bible studies, and daily encouragement to both face-to-face and virtual congregation members. In various roles including Campus Minister and Young Adult Leader, he shares his expertise, supports the ministry, and seeks innovative ways to spread the word of God. His focus, education, and passion drive him to inspire others to follow the Lord and believe in the promises God has for their lives.

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