

7500 Eldridge Pkwy.
Houston, TX 77083

Service Times

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Wednesday 7:00 PM


(281) 649-6800


Eldridge Info



5314 Bingle Rd.
Houston, TX 77092

Service Times

Sunday 10:00 AM

Wednesday 7:00 PM


(281) 649-6800


Bingle Info



5725 Queenston Blvd.
Houston, TX 77084

Service Times

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 10:00 AM

Tuesday 7:00 PM

Wednesday 12:00 PM


(281) 649-6800


Queenston Info

Disaster Relief and Emergency Information

Beryl Recovery ResourcesCommunity Center Locations

The Disaster Recovery Ministry is a branch of the Missions Ministry that provides resource information and in some cases financial assistance for members and non-members who have been affected by a natural disaster.


Give today to support The Church Without Walls Disaster Relief Efforts

Online Fund: Disaster Recovery Relief | Text Keyword: Disaster



Have you been impacted by the Winter storm or other natural disasters?

Applications are now being taken for disaster relief assistance.


TCWW Family, Please stay safe and be prepared.

Make sure your information is up-to-date in ShelbyNext Membership to stay informed and receive emergency-related communications.

Update Information

Evacuation Assistance:

Houston Command Center of the United States Coast Guard

  • 281-464-4851
  • 281-464-4852
  • 281-464-4853
  • 281-464-4854
  • 282-464-4855
Emergency Phone Numbers:
  • 911 Life-threatening emergencies Only
  • 211 Evacuation Information, In need of shelter
  • 311 Non Emergency Service Requests/Flood Damage
  • 800-733-2767 Red Cross Hotline (www.redcross.org)
  • 800-525-5555 Roadside Assistance
Emergency Information Websites
  • FEMA Assistance: https://www.disasterassistance.gov
  • Flooded Roads and Conditions: https://drivetexas.org/#/7/30.247/-95.677?future=false
  • City of Houston Emergency Information: http://www.houstonemergency.org
  • High Water Incidents/Road Closures: http://traffic.houstontranstar.org/roadclosures/#highwater
Emergency Preparedness Guidelines
  1. Listen to the County Warning System on the radio. Do exactly as advised. Make plans to relocate outside the affected area. Have current information on the location of the Red Cross shelters and directions to get there.
  2. If there are ill or disabled persons in the apartment contact their doctor for instructions.
  3. If relocation is required by the County Warning System do so early to avoid traffic jams and dangerous winds.
  4. Be sure to take necessities such as:
    • Prescriptions
    • Bedding
    • Bottled Water for up to Three Days
    • First Aid Kits
    • Can Opener
    • Batteries
    • Diapers and Baby Food
    • Extra Eye Glasses
    • Hearing Aids
    • Enough Non-Perishable Food Items for 24 Hours
    • Flashlights
    • A Battery-Powered Radio
  5. Make arrangements for your pet(s), as pets are not permitted in any public shelter.
  6. Once a HURRICANE WARNING is issued for a particular area, all residents should remove objects that are prone to become missiles. Such objects would include deck chairs, potted plants, patio benches, and any other items on the balcony area or patios of your apartment home.
  7. Close and lock all windows, window blinds and sliding doors. Place a wedge in the top part of doors to prevent them from being lifted up and into your apartment. Place rolled towels around the bottom of glass doors and windows.
  8. Fill bathtub with water. This water may be used for drinking should the water supply become interrupted or contaminated. It may be poured into the toilet bowl to induce flushing.
  9. All objects that are in the breezeways should be removed and placed inside your apartment home.
  10. Fill your vehicle with gas. In the event of loss of electricity, the gas pumps will not operate.
  11. Carry all important paperwork and personal identification with you.
  12. You should stay tuned to your local weather station and be prepared to evacuate should you be instructed by proper governmental authorities to leave the area.
  13. Be aware that a hurricane is an act of God and should be covered by renters insurance that all residents are encouraged to obtain.
  14. In the event there is damage caused to the property due to hurricane preparations by a resident, that the damage would be the responsibility of that resident.
  15. Any injury to any resident engaged in hurricane preparation is the responsibility of that resident and not that the property.
  16. Your personal property is your responsibility. You should always maintain renters insurance as well as auto insurance. To assist your carrier in the event of a loss, make a complete inventory of personal property. An inventory checklist can be obtained from your insurance representative. Store this and other important documents in waterproof containers or in a waterproof safety deposit box.

During the Hurricane

  1. Continue to listen to the County Warning System. Do exactly as advised by the announcer.
  2. Stay indoors. If the calm eye of the hurricane passes through the area, continue to stay indoors unless ii is absolutely necessary to leave.
  3. In the event of loss of electricity, use flashlights rather than candles or kerosene lamps. Use caution when cooking and flames are present. A gust of wind through a door or window could start an accidental fire and the fire department may not be readily available while the hurricane winds are blowing.
  4. Use the telephone for emergencies only. Jammed phone lines may obstruct emergency calls for police, fire departments, doctors and the Red Cross disaster units.
  5. Conserve refrigeration. Open the refrigerator/freezer door as little as possible to avoid spoilage of food.
  6. Remain indoors until the official “all clear” is given from the County Warning system or radio.

After the Hurricane

  1. Be aware of outdoor hazards. Watch out for loose or dangling power lines, and report them immediately to the proper authority. All emergency numbers are in the front of the white pages telephone book.
  2. Do not use water until authorities have issued a safe water area. Use the emergency supply in the tub or boil water. Report broken sewer or water mains to the proper authority.
  3. Take extra precautions to prevent fire. Lowered water pressure in city mains and the interruption of other services may make firefighting extremely difficult after a hurricane.
  4. Notify your insurance carrier in the event of losses and where you may be reached.

For more information

Ready Houston: http://readyharris.org

KHOU Houston: http://khou.com

The Weather Channel: https://weather.com

National Weather Service: https://www.weather.gov/wrn/spring2017-flood-sm

American Red Cross: https://www.redcross.org, 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767)

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency: https://www.fema.gov

1-800-621-FEMA (1800-621-3362)(registration for FEMA assistance after a presidentially declared disaster)

1-800-462-7585 (TTY) )(registration for FEMA assistance after a presidentially declared disaster)