

7500 Eldridge Pkwy.
Houston, TX 77083

Service Times

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Wednesday 7:00 PM


(281) 649-6800


Eldridge Info



5314 Bingle Rd.
Houston, TX 77092

Service Times

Sunday 10:00 AM

Wednesday 7:00 PM


(281) 649-6800


Bingle Info



5725 Queenston Blvd.
Houston, TX 77084

Service Times

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 10:00 AM

Tuesday 7:00 PM

Wednesday 12:00 PM


(281) 649-6800


Queenston Info

Firm Foundation

"For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have--Jesus Christ"

1 Corinthians 3:11 (NLT)

Every believer in the body of Christ needs a good foundation to build their life.

You may ask, “Do I need to complete the Firm Foundation Small Groups classes?” the answer is emphatically, “YES!” We encourage you to complete all of them.

Firm Foundation introduces you to the history and beliefs of The Church Without Walls and starts you on the path to responsible church membership. Attend this class according to the schedule on the first available Sunday after you become a member.

A firm foundation is necessary to build a healthy spiritual life. We hope that you will actively engage throughout the next six weeks, starting with your Firm Foundation Small Group classes. Each class is up to 90 minutes long and will benefit the new believer, rededicated believer, or mature believer of Christ.

Come and hear what God personally wants for you in your spiritual development. You will also meet other new members and ministry leaders that will journey with you, as well as get equipped to serve in ministry. We are here for you.

Who should take Firm Foundation Classes?

Firm Foundation is for those who have recently joined The Church Without Walls and those members who need a refresher.

*Note: Please register by 12Noon on Wednesday before the Sunday you wish to attend class*


Firm Foundation Orientation

Introduces you to The Church Without Walls and starts you on the path to responsible church membership. Attend this class the Sunday following your day of joining.

New Life

Understanding Salvation and The Ordinances of the Church.

Daily Devotion

Understanding the Principles of Holy Scripture and Prayer.

Daily Struggle

Understanding Sin and God's Forgiveness.

Daily Walk

Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in our Daily Living.

Daily Lifestyle of a Steward

Understanding the Principles of Stewardship and Christian Growth.

Register For Classes

Firm Foundation Cohort Curriculum Schedule

  • Your first class is Orientation. A new Firm Foundation Small Group cohort will begin every Sunday. The remaining 5 classes will take place with the same cohort of new members on consecutive Sundays.
  • You must register for classes and select the Sunday or Tuesday you want to start that works best for your schedule.
  • You can also complete all six classes on Super Saturdays (typically held on fifth Saturdays). There are no classes offered in December.
  • Baptism Candidates should also complete Firm Foundation. Ordinance of Baptism class registration information will be provided at the end of the Orientation class.
  • Your class materials will be emailed to you. Virtual members will receive a Google meeting link to attend online. Please be sure to check your spam folder. Your facilitator will also contact you with more details


Sunday - 8AM - Room 205/206


Sunday - 9AM - Room 213

Sunday - 1PM - Hybrid Class


Sunday - 8AM - Cry Room


Sunday - 12PM - Google Meet

Tuesday - 7PM - Google Meet

You will receive an email from the Firm Foundation Ministry with details on how to attend the class virtually. All classes must be completed fo serve in a ministry.

Mark your calendar and make the 6-week commitment to complete your Firm Foundation classes

If you cannot take any classes on Sundays or need assistance with registration, please email or call 281-649-6926, and the team will contact you with the next steps. Be encouraged!

Register for Classes

Note: Please register by 12Noon on Wednesday prior to the Sunday you wish to attend

Do You Still Have Questions?

Contact our Firm Foundation Team to assist you.

contact US