7500 Eldridge Pkwy.
Houston, TX 77083
Service Times
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Wednesday 7:00 PM
(281) 649-6800
7500 Eldridge Pkwy.
Houston, TX 77083
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Wednesday 7:00 PM
(281) 649-6800
5314 Bingle Rd.
Houston, TX 77092
Sunday 10:00 AM
Wednesday 7:00 PM
(281) 649-6800
5725 Queenston Blvd.
Houston, TX 77084
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Tuesday 7:00 PM
Wednesday 12:00 PM
(281) 649-6800
This Powerful Series by Dr. Ralph Douglas West reintroduces us to Samuel. You will discover how God speaks to you, how you can respond and is inciteful in understanding and applying biblical truths to your life. Our prayer is that God’s word will inspire and encourage you to walk boldly in your faith knowing that God is right there with you along the way! Thank you for your support – and may you be encouraged as you help lead, inspire, and empower people to live lives of spiritual maturity. Purchase your copy today, and be sure to introduce this series to your family and friends! Sermons include: