Make A Difference

Are you ready to transform lives with your generosity? Rest assured that your gifts, offerings, and tithes will be a force of change, dedicated to sharing the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ and delivering both spiritual support and tangible aid to those in need. Your contribution goes beyond mere transactions; it becomes a testament to love and compassion in action.

February 02, 2024

Why Give?

  • We give as an act of thanksgiving and gratitude for God's blessings unto you.
  • We give so our gifts, offerings, and tithes will be used to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and provide spiritual and physical assistance to those in need. 
  • We give so we can be a blessing to someone else. 

Are you ready to transform lives with your generosity? Rest assured that your gifts, offerings, and tithes will be a force of change, dedicated to sharing the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ and delivering both spiritual support and tangible aid to those in need. Your contribution goes beyond mere transactions; it becomes a testament to love and compassion in action.

Give Now

Tags: give, generosity, giving, offering, tithes, why give, why tithe

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