Don't Miss Your Moment: Recognizing God's Presence in Everyday Life
Have you ever wondered if you've missed a moment of greatness in your life? It could have been a chance encounter or an opportunity that slipped by unnoticed. In our busy lives, it's easy to overlook the extraordinary moments God places right before us. This is the essence of the Christmas story in Luke 2, where the innkeeper missed the chance to welcome the Savior of the world. You might think, "I would never miss such a moment", but the truth is, we often do. Let's explore how we can be more aware of God's presence and seize those defining moments in our lives.
In the sermon, Pastor West shared a powerful message about recognizing greatness in our midst. He recounted stories of people who unknowingly encountered greatness, like the hermit who hosted Queen Victoria without realizing her identity. Similarly, the innkeeper in Bethlehem missed the opportunity to host Jesus, the greatest guest of all. The main point is clear: don't become so familiar with God's grace that you miss your moment when He knocks at your door.
Be Attentive to the Ordinary
So, how can you ensure you don't miss your moment? First, be attentive to the ordinary. God often comes to us in unexpected ways, not always shrouded in grandeur. Just as the innkeeper didn't recognize Jesus, we might overlook God's presence in our daily lives. It could be in a conversation with a friend, a chance to help someone in need or a quiet moment of reflection. Stay open and aware, and you'll be more likely to recognize these divine encounters.
Consider Your Defining Moments
Next, consider your defining moments. These are the times when you have the chance to make a significant impact, not just for yourself but for others. The innkeeper's story reminds us that our actions can have lasting effects. Imagine if he had made room for Mary and Joseph. How might his story have changed? Similarly, your choices today can shape your future and the lives of those around you. Ask yourself, what defining moments might God be placing in your path?
Embrace Your Redemptive Moments
Finally, embrace your redemptive moments. These are opportunities for transformation and growth. When Jesus knocks at your door, will you let Him in? It's not just about inviting Him into your life but allowing Him to become the host, guiding your decisions and actions. As Pastor West highlighted, when Jesus enters, He rearranges everything, bringing new purpose and direction. Are you ready to let Him lead?
As we conclude, remember that God is always near, waiting for you to recognize His presence. Don't let the busyness of life cause you to miss your moment. Instead, be intentional about seeking Him every day. What will you do this week to open the door to Jesus and embrace the moments He offers?
Let's Pray Together:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the moments You place in our lives. Help us to be attentive and aware of Your presence, even in the ordinary. Guide us to recognize our defining and redemptive moments, and give us the courage to open the door to You. May we not miss the opportunities You provide to grow closer to You and to impact the world around us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
This blog post is inspired by Pastor Ralph West's sermon, "The Innkeeper: The Man Who Missed the Moment," on recognizing God's presence in our everyday lives, as illustrated through the story of the innkeeper in Luke 2.
Click here to purchase the sermon, The Inn Keeper: The Man Who Missed the Moment from the Advent Sermon Series, Luke Looks at Christmas.
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