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Come as You Are

Posted September 29, 2024

Come as You Are

September 29 - October 5

"The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart." Psalms 34:18

Devotional: It’s amazing how one can find a powerful message in something as simple as a bent-up can. Last week, I received a text from a faithful member who noticed a bent, not completely crushed Olde English 800 beer can by the curb on the church grounds. One of the other members commented on how it was a shame someone would bring their “booze” to church and leave the can behind. At first, the member who shared this said she understood their point, but after reflecting on it, she saw it differently. She said that the bible reminds us to come as we are; though the can was crushed, it was not destroyed or beyond repair. Furthermore, she stated that whoever left the can may have been battling addiction or hardship, and maybe bringing it to the church grounds was their way of laying it at God’s feet, thus surrendering their burdens to Him because God accepts us as we are, and He is able to heal the brokenhearted!

Prayer: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for always looking beyond our faults, our hang-ups, and our issues and seeing exactly what we need; we love you, and we lean on you! Now, Lord, remind us that you are able to make straight our path for us; thank you for accepting us just as we are and allowing your Spirit to purge our hearts, minds, and souls to accept your amazing grace and mercy; thank you for loving us that much, in the name of Jesus we pray, Amen!

Reflection Question: How would you respond to those who are hurting around you?

Tags: psalms, devotional, burdens, come as you are, surrender to god, weekly devotional, his love, our faults

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