Giving a Hand to the Helpless

Giving a Hand to the Helpless
November 10-16
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 26:40
Devotional: Every city in this country has one thing in common, and none of them, quite frankly, do not have an answer to solve or resolve the problem, which is our homeless population. In our downtown areas, you will find someone sleeping on a bench under some overpass or on the street. We expect our local government officials to do something to control this uncontrollable issue in our communities but what about you and I? The Bible reminds us to be civic-minded in caring for those who cannot care for themselves by offering a helping hand because as we show compassion toward others, we reflect the very image of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! The question is, what are you doing?
Prayer: God, you are everything to us as we recognize your grace and your mercy in our lives. Oh God, we must admit that we have fallen short of your glory and your goodness toward others, especially those who are living on the margins of life. Remind us, Heavenly Father, to use the resources that you have blessed us with to make somebody’s day brighter. Touch us, Lord, to display active mercy with all people; we love you, and we give praise in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Reflection Question: How do you respond to persons on the street corner who come to your car window for help?
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