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Good Brings Good

Posted May 12, 2024

 Good Brings Good

May 12-18

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”Ephesians 4:32 

Devotional: Life has its ups and downs, twists and turns, peaks and valleys.  As a result, we find ourselves at odds with those who are influential in creating these occurrences. Thus, for many of us, it is very difficult to let go or to forgive those because of the pain that we are experiencing.  Friends, for you and I, isn’t good to know our Heavenly Father doesn’t hold any grudges against us?  That’s what make Him God and God all by Himself!

Prayer: My Father and My God, thank you for this day; for You have been so gracious to us and we thank you for Your overflowing love toward each and every one of us; that we have been forgiven and set free by the blood of Jesus, our Lord and our Savior!  We thank You that we now have fellowship and communion with You Heavenly Father; now help us to live as You have called us to live; help us to truly love one another and give us Your peace and Your presence to forgive one another and remind each and every one of us that we, too, have been forgiven, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen! 

Reflection Question: Who is controlling your emotions right now in releasing your pain to God?

Tags: ephesians, devotional, kind, good, compassionate, weekly devotional

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