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I Can See Clearly Now

Posted March 02, 2025

I Can See Clearly Now

March 2-8

“Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.” Proverbs 29:18

Devotional: As we prepare our minds for the upcoming Lenten Season, one of the motivating factors over the course of our forty days of praying and fasting is to make space for God. However, in order to clear out things to increase our time with Him, we must open our eyes to see His goodness and His mercy. It is as if you are at the Optometrist and they are checking your eyes for glasses to find the prescription that is clear, crystal clear in your vision. God wants us to have a crystal clear vision of who He is and what He has done, not just during this season of Lent, but each and every day!

Prayer: Almighty God, we love you and we seek you as the one who is able to do all things!  Father, as we prepare this week for the beginning of this wonderful season of Lent, allow us to experience all of the blessings that you have in store for us during our time of prayer and fasting. As we expand our time with you, expand our vision to see and instill in us a willingness to make a difference in the world in which we live, in the name of Jesus; Amen and Amen!

Reflection Question: When was your last spiritual eye check-up?

Tags: vision, proverbs, devotional, seeing clearly, god's vision, weekly devotional, his goodness, his mercy, his vision


William Montague Mar 3, 2025

Great message

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