Letting Today Take Care of My Tomorrow

Letting Today Take Care of My Tomorrow
May 26-June 2
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
Devotional: I am one who loves the nostalgia of life. For example, I enjoy viewing television shows from my childhood and love the sounds of what we call, old school rhythm and blues from the 70s and 80s. I can remember certain events when I hear certain songs and it brings back good memories and can be very comforting, for me, in the present. For us, reminiscing is good, but we have to be careful not to allow it to affect our present. Let’s stay focused on the goodness and graciousness of our God today and not worry about tomorrow because He provides new mercies each and every day!
Prayer: Father, You are awesome and almighty; nothing is too hard for you! We worship and praise your Holy name! Lord, we thank you for your wonderful promise to never leave our side and to be with us in the good times and the bad times. We thank you for loving us and being our daily provider and protector! Now God, as we prepare for this week, enable us to forget about things that seek to steal our joy and our peace and concentrate on your grace and mercy. We love you and we thank you for loving us, in the powerful, penetrating name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen and Amen!!!
Reflection Question: What is it that you need to do with your walk with God today that you have put off?
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Anonymous May 27, 2024
I need to read more of my word daily. By doing this it will help me to better understand my purpose for my life. Also it will strengthen my personal relationships with "JESUS CHRIST."
William Montague Jun 10, 2024
What an awesome message!!