No Comparison

No Comparison
November 12-18
Scripture: “Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you.” –Psalm 89:8
Devotional: We enjoy comparing things and people. In the arena of sports, we often seek to compare athletes from various generations. We will say verbiage like this, “I believe he is the next so-in-so, or she is the next so-in-so because of similar traits, character, and success of that famous player from the past. In the arena of our walk as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, however, we know that there is no comparison to God we serve! Thus, we strive every day to grow in grace and knowledge of Him because His power, His protection, and His promise surround us!
Prayer: God, you are the rock of our salvation, and we love you and we give you glory for being a mighty fortress in our lives. Father, we recognize that we cannot do anything apart from your amazing power; for there is no one like you. Now Lord, remind us to never take your faithfulness for granted, and in return, be obedient until thee, in the strong and powerful name of Jesus Christ our Lord we pray, Amen and Amen!!!
Reflection Question: Does God have any rivals in your life?
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