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No Escape From Him

Posted June 30, 2024

No Escape From Him

June 30 - July 6

“For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search for my sheep and look after them.” Ezekiel 34:11

Devotional: Why is it that we tend to gravitate toward things or issues that are not the best for us? As we know, one of the schemes of the evil one is to pull us away from the purpose that God has gifted us to do for His glory. How do we combat this challenge from those around us to seek to steal our joy? The antidote for us is to slow down, sit still, and know that He loves us, and His presence is ever before us because the Good Shepherd is always there to care for those who are entrusted to Him!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you are Sovereign, and you reign forever and forever! We worship you for being the only true and living God; we adore you and we bow in total submission and appreciation to you alone. Now Lord, as we go about our daily tasks, remind us to take time to find rest in you and to know that we cannot escape your love for us, in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen and Amen! Have a great week! 

Reflection Question: How often, daily, do you spend quiet time with the Lord?

Tags: sovereign, ezekiel, devotional, distracted, our joy, weekly devotional, sit still


Bill Montague Jul 12, 2024

Blessed is God's word that never returns to Him void!

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