The Power of His Promise

The Power of His Promise
January 19th-25th
“He set the earth on its foundations, so that it should never be moved.” Psalm 104:5
Devotional: Life is full of expectations, but with those expectations, many times, come fear, doubts, and hesitancy. We accept the standard because we expect the sun to rise in the morning and to set in the evening. However, there are times when various events shake our world; maybe some natural disaster or some senseless violent tragedy. It seems that everything we know and believe is falling apart right in front of us. Yet, as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we know there will be days of trouble and tribulation, but our God is still God, and He is still in control because He is unmovable! For He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever!
Prayer: Abba Father, we cry out to you this day in glory and adoration! For you are the “Great “I Am,” and we thank you for sending us the source of our strength in our son Jesus! Now, Lord, sanctify us through your word and consecrate us in your truth in that you promised never to leave us nor forsake us; in His name, Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen!
Reflection Question: Do you really trust God in assuring that He has not abandoned you?
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Regina Logan Jan 19, 2025
I trust God with my life for he has healed me. He has done some wonderful. Thanks in my life and I know right now in this situation. And this time and season that I'm in that he's still God and he's still on the throne. He's still sitting high. He still looks slow. I know that God is working even when I feel like he's not. He's working it out for me. I think you're gorgeous. I praise you and I glorify you Amen.