Unpayable Debt

An Unpayable Debt
July 7-13
“I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to wise and to unwise.” Romans 1:14
Devotional: The joys of seeing our children graduate are a proud moment for one’s family. Though there is much happiness in seeing our kids walking across the stage to receive their degree, the one issue that normally hangs over some parents' heads is still having to deal with student loans. In fact, for many of us, it seems that the loan will never be paid off because, to a certain degree, that bank, that corporation, that lending institution owns us. For you and I as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are debtors to Him forever and we are thankful and grateful that our Savior owns us as His children!
Prayer: From everlasting to everlasting, Heavenly Father, we give you glory, and we give you praise for being the only true and living God! We thank you for sending Jesus Christ into this world to save us and to give us new life in abundance. We love you and we thank you for the opportunity of being indebted to your Son as the Lord of our life, in His name we pray, Amen and Amen!
Reflection Question: Do you know what it means to be indebted to Christ forever and ever?
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