Will We Remember You?

Will We Remember You?
February 18-24
Scripture: “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16
Devotional: As we know, the month of February is a time when we nationally pause and celebrate men and women of our heritage as we remember their contributions. We appreciate those of the past and currently, those in the present who strive to encourage and enrich the lives of people. I wonder, what would happen if all of us adopted the approach that we are going to do our best to make this world a better place by being a blessing to those we may encounter each day. Though you may not be recognized or appreciated for doing what you have done, I do know one thing, even if others do not remember your good deeds, our God certainly remembers you and is pleased with you!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that we have often fallen short of your glory and your will! We ask afresh that You will forgive us and fill our tanks with compassion and care for those who need to know that You love them and they are not alone in whatever situation or issue that they may find themselves in at this time. Enable us to be your hand and feet as we continue this journey and one day, we look forward to hearing You say, “Well done good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a few things and I will make you ruler on many things, in the precious name of Jesus I pray, Amen and Amen!!!
Reflective Question: Thinking about where you are right now at this very moment, what do you want people to remember when they call your name?
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