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Work on Me Lord

Posted June 09, 2024

Work on Me Lord

June 9 - 15

“So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.” Romans 4:12

Devotional: Wow, at first glance, this verse seems so morbid, so sad, certainly nothing that seems to have any joy and excitement. The content of the word “death” reminds us that we are perishing away day by day; that we are not the same. Yet as Christians, my will must be aligned with His will and ultimately, that brings joy, peace, and contentment to our lives; in other words, true life that keeps us and sustains us as we remain strong in our faith and love to our God!    

Prayer: My Father and My God, I love you and I thank you for rescuing me from the pit of doom and despair; for placing me high upon the rock of your presence; what a mighty God you are!  Now Lord, allow me to trust You with my will and my desires; undergird me to look to You for guidance and direction because You know what is best for me.  I thank you for this great opportunity afforded to me as I travel this journey called life, in the name of Jesus Christ, who came to give me the abundance of life I pray, Amen and Amen! 

Reflection Question: As you live each day, what is being put to death in your life?   

Tags: joy, romans, peace, contentment, devotional, sustainable, weekly devotional, work on me

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